Ecological Movement "BIOM" is a public non-profit voluntary organization unifying young specialists, scientists and leaders that participates in addressing environmental problems of the Kyrgyz Republic and Central-Asian region.
Our Mission
We are working towards positive changes in the quality of the environment and people's lives by engaging diverse populations in the realizations of sustainable development principles and preservation of natural ecosystems.Position
We as XXI century people, recognizing the reality of the ecological crisis, are ready to actively intervene in order to achieve more harmonious interactions between human beings and the rest of nature.
We as young scientists are confident that natural ecosystems underlie the existence and development of our civilization as well as life on earth. We acknowledge that achievement of Sustainable Development is only possible given implementation of an ecosystem approach.
We as citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic believe that any solution to environmental issues will not be efficient without the wide involvement of various public groups.
Concept areas of BIOM
BIOM's publications
Youth participation in making important decis...
Climate change and health
Energy and Environment
Environmental Safety in the context of Sustai...
State educational standard of higher professi...
Environmental Safety of Kyrgyzstan: the point...
Guidance on public participation in environme...
Planting territories with local and endemic s...
BIOM's projects
BIOM's presentations
Friends and partners
Ecological Informational Service
Act Central Asia
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conse...
Darwin Initiative
Food and Agriculture Organization
European Commission
Global Environment Facility
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund
Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
United Nations Development Programme
UN Women
Women in Europe for a Common Future
The World Health Organization in the European Regi...
United Nations Volunteers
Ministry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
United Nations Children's Fund
United Kingdom Agency for International Developmen...
European Union
The GEF Small Grants Programme
UN Industrial Development Organization
Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan
United Nations Environment Programme
Insterstate Sustainable Development Commission of ...
Central Asian Youth Environmental Network
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
Swiss Federal Council
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Euro...
Social Technologies Agency
Faculty of Biology of the Kyrgyz National Universi...
Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological S...
Ecological Movement of Kyrgyzstan "Aleyne"
Milieukontakt Oost-Europa
Counterpart International
Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasi...
HelpAge International
Global Water Solidarity
Pesticide Action Network UK
The World Bank
The National Forest Programme Facility
The Global Forest Coalition
International Union of Forest Research Organizatio...
Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Na...
Humanist Institute for Cooperation
Association GERES
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Ashden Awards
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Global Greengrants Fund
British Council
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestr...
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Rep...
Leadership for Environment and Development
International Socio-Ecological Union
Ministry of Economy and Antimonopoly Policy of the...
Biology and Soil Institute of the National Academy...
Friends of the Baltic
Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economic
Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Re...
I.Arabaev Kyrgyz State University
Kyrgyz National University named after Zhusup Bala...
Mountain Partnership
Festival of Education