BIOM – a public non-profit voluntary organization unifying young specialists, scientists and leaders that participates in addressing environmental problems of the Kyrgyz Republic and Central-Asian region.
Our Mission
We are working towards positive changes in the quality of the environment and people's lives by engaging diverse populations in the realizations of sustainable development principles and preservation of natural ecosystems.BIOM is an open system established in 1993 and building its work on the principles of democracy, tolerance, humanity and development.
Our Position
We as XXI century people, recognizing the reality of the ecological crisis, are ready to actively intervene in order to achieve more harmonious interactions between human beings and the rest of nature.
We as young scientists are confident that natural ecosystems underlie the existence and development of our civilization as well as life on earth. We acknowledge that achievement of Sustainable Development is only possible given implementation of an ecosystem approach.
We as citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic believe that any solution to environmental issues will not be efficient without the wide involvement of various public groups.
The following interventions strengthen the sustainability of our organization
Ecological Discussion-Club – regular meetings to discuss environmental problems and issues related to specific development of the ecological paradigm, together with scientists, representatives of government agencies and public associations.
Environmental actions and campaignsto attract the attention of the public to ecological problems.
Regular publications – leaflets, brochures, posters and books –to disseminate our ideas and replicate our experience in the regional and professional communities of Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.
Basic principles of Activity
Programme based: it is necessary to implement the long-term programmes (from two to five or more years) directed towards systemic changes in communities and aimed at sustainable outcomes rather than single, short-term, and fragmented mini-projects.
System based: it is necessary to develop a system of various actions oriented towards one of the target social groups in order to achieve qualitative changes.
Work at local level: involvement of local communities in social-ecological activity.
Capacity building of experts: implementation of BIOM’s programmes is supported through involvement of a wide range of scientists, specialists, experts, use of new information technologies, building target contacts with scientific research and informational centers and international agencies in scientific-analytical and educational projects.
Participation in international environmental processes and thematic discussions
Since 1998, BIOM has participated in international environmental discussions:
Environment for Europe — the 4th and 5th Pan-European Ministerial Conferences (Aarhus, Denmark, 1998; Kiev, Ukraine, 2003);
Sustainable Development — the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, SAR, 2002; International Youth Forum - Copenhagen, Denmark - 2002);
Convention on Biological Diversity — Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2004; Curitiba, Brazil, 2006; Bonn, Germany, 2008;
UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development — high level EEC UN Meeting on Education for Sustainable Development (Vilnius, Lithuania,2005);