The main activities of BIOM include: Education of Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Sustainable Development Policy, Enviromental Safety, Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, Enviromental Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Prospective Studies, Philosophy of Ecology

Promote integration of the values and principles of Education for Sustainable Development at all levels of education in Kyrgyzstan.

Promoting the implementation of mitigation and adaptation programs to mitigate the negative posedstvy climate change and raise public awareness on these issues.

Promote implementation of the ideas and principles of Sustainable Development in the professional and regional communities of Kyrgyzstan.

Increase awareness of communities on the methods for ensuring personal environmental safety.

Develop innovations in the field of renewable energy sources and capacity building of the population to use various renewable sources of energy.

Promote development of a sustainable, democratic society in Kyrgyzstan through implementation of international mechanisms of enviromental safety in the system of decision-making at different levels of power.

Development and implementation of projects to prevent degradation of natural ecosystems and ecourage their conservation and sustainable use, and introduction of the principles of the ecosystem approach in Kyrgyzstan.

The development of promising areas deyatelnoti in promoting the sustainable development agenda, futuro-ecological systems, innovative "green" technologies, etc.

Promotion and development of advanced ideas of modern eco-philosophy by organizing discussion systems for scientific and spetsilizirovannyh communities.

Rivers of Kyrgyzstan
BIOM's activity takes place in a variety of practical formats: projects, events, publications, networks